Personal Survival Kit
The Personal Survival Kit is a small kit that can fit into a pocket or easily be carried on your belt. It's something that you should have on you at all times when your out camping or hiking. If you get lost, seperated from your group, or something as stupid as getting turned around and lost if you go out to pee at night while camping. It will provide you with several methods of being found and methods of keeping you safe and getting you food and water.
Below are a few pictures of my current PSK.
For my PSK i use a belt case for an old pair of mini-binoculars. Attached to the side is a multi-use compass, whistle, magnifying lens.
If i'm wearing Cargo pants then it goes in one of my leg pockets. Else, it's attached to my belt next to my sheath knife.
Here is a picture of the PSK with the top flap opened, you can see how every inch is used.
The Main contents of the PSK removed. A Saws-All pruning blade that was cut down so it would Just fit.
A small aluminum loaf tin that holds .5 liters. This can be used to collect and boil water, etc
An Emergency blanket
An Altoids tin wrapped with 16 gauge wire.
The Multi-use compass seen earlier
A Single AAA LED flashlight.
First layer in the Altoids tin are Fire straws. They are straws packed with Cotton balls smeared with petroleum jelly. The straws have caps that can be twisted off and are waterproof.
Here are the contents of the Altoids tin. Starting from the Top left
- Altoid Tin wrapped with 16gauge floral wire for snares
- BSA Fire steel with striker
- Toothpick/flosser
- Large oven bag cut down so it's only half as long
- Band aids
- Aluminum foil with individually wrapped Advil and Iodine with the iodine taste remover tabs
- Razerblade with painters tape covering the edge
- Sting-eeze
- Fire Straws
- Alcohol pads
- Safety pins
- Butterfly bandages
- Moleskin